A Couple of Favorite Classroom Lessons

 If you want to keep up with my classroom "in real time", I often post about what I am doing on my teacher account on Twitter. You can follow me at @MsStrukely1. 

Plague News Broadcasts- Exodus Unit

Project Description here

Project Screenshots (We have a green screen room and ipads with green screen app that adds to the fun!):

Prophet Escape Room Activity- Old Testament Prophets Unit

Overview and Station Activities here

Stations pictures:

Gospel Movie Trailers- Gospels Unit

Project Description here

Screenshots below (we use iMovie trailers on ipad)

Rebuild Notre Dame- STREAM/STEM Quest

You can learn more about the ZilLearn channel, but when Notre Dame caught fire in 2019, some of my colleagues and came up with this idea to utilize STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, and Math) skills. 

Current Events Break Out Activity

Similar to the Prophet Escape Room, this is a break out activity. You can find more information on my ZilLearn channel.


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